It was better that way.Īs a long and illustrious franchise, it’s only natural that Fallout includes a few easter eggs for fans of the series. The Lone Wanderer can return to solve the rebellion by either successfully negotiating a truce, killing either the Overseer or the rebel leader, or just saying “to hell with it” and setting the Vault reactor to nuclear meltdown. It all eventually came to a head when the Overseer’s group brought out the guns to keep the young’uns in line. The Overseer still had a lot of sway with the older population who wanted to keep the doors shut and everyone still inside. Well, half of them did anyway - the younger half. As soon as the rest of Vault 101 sees that it’s not a complete radioactive wasteland and they can go outside and see the sun for the first time in their lives, they naturally wanted to go take a look around. The player character, known in the Fallout canon as The Lone Wanderer, leaves Vault 101 in search of his father and thus very publically breaks the taboo keeping any vault dweller from leaving. I know that last one may sound great (at least, to certain men) but inbreeding is a terrible thing, as we’ll learn later. Or how about Vault 69, with 999 women and one man as occupants? There was the cloning-technology-equipped Vault 108, eventually resulting in an entire Vault filled with genetically flawed (and dangerously insane) clones all named Gary. Vault 11 had a system in place where every year one person was selected as a sacrificial lamb, which naturally left the Vault empty pretty fast. To give you a sense of how lucky this makes the Vault 101 denizens, let's go over a few of the more… interesting fates of some of the Vaults. Two of those - Vault 101 and Vault 112 - are in the capital wasteland. Of the 122 Vaults created in the entire Fallout universe, there are exactly nine Vaults that are still operational (101, 118, 112, 81, 21, 13, 0, 81, and 8 in case you were wondering). While wandering the wastes, if you come across a Vault with living, breathing people inside then you’ve found a very rare thing indeed. Also, massive spoilers ahead if you haven't played Fallout 3. Here are a few things you might not have known about everybody’s favourite Vault. Even without Vault-Tec watching the Vaults all operated according to their last directive, including Vault 101, where nobody ever enters, and nobody ever leaves.

Vault-Tec's forecasts must've been a little off the world ended ahead of schedule, and Vault-Tech was destroyed along with everything not inside a Vault, so nobody was around to actually observe the experiments. All were insane ways of messing with people just to see what would happen - usually with deadly consequences. Others were governed in such a way that all disputes were settled by chance. Some were just to see what would happen if you were to draw a line down the middle and say one side was blue and the other was red.

The guys in charge of Vault-Tec must’ve all been mad scientists, since nearly every single Vault was also a deranged human experiment. Vault-Tec constructed 122 Vaults all across the country with the publicly disclosed intent of preventing human extinction when the bombs fell. Everyone knew the nuclear apocalypse was fast approaching, so a company stepped forward that specialized in constructing nuclear fallout shelters. If you’re not familiar with the Fallout universe, a brief explanation is in order. This leaves the player with the delicious mystery of figuring out what crazy experiments were being performed to the unsuspecting civilians trapped inside. There are also Vaults, where often the stabbing has already taken place. Sure, the wastelands of America are pretty dangerous and teeming with hungry predators (both animal and human), but in no other alternate history do I really get to let my inner homicidal maniac loose and just murder everything as far as the eye can see.īut there’s more to Fallout than just the option of stabbing everyone you meet. If I had to pick my favourite alternate history universe to get lost in, it’d have to be Fallout.