Those born between these dates are, of necessity, the zodiacal sign Ophiuchus. If we use a celestial planisphere, we will see that between November 30 and December 18, the Sun occupies one of those less famous constellations: Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer or snake charmer. However, these signs are not well calibrated. And when we say that someone is a Taurus or a Sagittarius, what we mean is the constellation the Sun was “in” at the moment of their birth: the zodiacal sign is no more than an astronomical reference to the position of the Sun in the sky with respect to the background stars. But if we could see them, we would say that at any time of the year the Sun is “in” some of the zodiacal constellations, since on its annual journey our star always appears to occupy one of these plots. Credit: Borja Tosarīehind the Sun there are stars, although we cannot see them due to the scattering of light in the Earth’s atmosphere. Diagram showing why the Sun is in the Ophiuchus constellation at the beginning of December. It is clear that it’s not a relationship with animals that makes them special these constellations are in a very particular area of the sky, the line along which the Sun advances during the year. The latter are the constellations of the zodiac, from the Greek zoodiakos, which means “animal wheel”, although in this group have been placed a scale, a virgin, a pair of twins and a water bearer (Libra, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius). You rarely hear about the constellations of Camelopardalis, Sagitta or Boötes others, however, like Sagittarius, Taurus or Capricorn are much better known. We call these plots constellations, which are groups of stars that correspond to the celestial mythology inherited from ancient Greece.

There is a cadastre that divides the sky into plots that help astronomers to identify the position of the stars, planets and objects in the celestial sphere. Reclaiming the forgotten Ophiuchus invites each of us to discover our correct astrological sign and contemplate the spectacular zodiacal constellations that dominate the nights at this time of year.

If we return to the true astronomical roots of the signs of the zodiac, we will see that there are 13 signs, not 12 as the modern horoscope tells us. The end of autumn is approaching, the time of those born under the sign of Ophiuchus.